Monday, March 10, 2014

Today is a new day

Another day, a new opportunity awaits. Today starts just like every other day, but is it really the same as yesterday?  It's hard to get away from the humdrum of the auto pilot that we have going on life. But really,  we can take advantage of a new day, to take it by the horns and ever so slightly change our usual route.  At least we can begin the planting of new seeds of opportunity. New plans can begin to sprout. After all, today is ours to treasure and unlock new possibilities. 
It does not mean that some gigantic over the top step needs to happen, but small steps can be taken to go towards what we want. At least to begin looking at a new direction. 
As soon as we open our minds to the possibilities of what is really in our hearts, then small miracles begin to happen. It's just a matter of trust - which is easier said than done! We just have to allow and acknowledge these miracles with gratitude. 
So today, I am going to lay the foundation for new opportunity. New opportunity that begins with gratitude, the gratitude of being just who I am:

I am good
I am spiritual
I am unique
I am special  
I am inspired
I am intentional
I am God's child
I am resilient 
I am loved
I am grateful 
I just am!

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