Friday, March 21, 2014

The ripple effect of a smile

When I smile, my spirit soars. There is a message that goes out into the universe and announces happiness.  It says that life is good. It shows people that no matter what, I've got it together. A smile is the spark that makes your whole being shine. It is also a spark that gets passed on from person to person. 
A smile is like a beam of light that brightly shines from within and disperses to those around. Although the best smiles are those that happen automatically, it is an act that we can help by practicing gratitude. It becomes easier to smile when you're open to the wonders of life. 
We owe it to ourselves and to the world to illuminate our surroundings with a smile. A smile helps us, by subconsciously affirming to ourselves that we are experiencing a positive moment. A smile aids others too, it is a contagious act. We usually can't help but to smile back at someone that smiles at us. So let's all make an effort to find something in our everyday lives to smile about, and set the ripple effect of positivity that only a smile can create. 

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