Sunday, March 23, 2014

Compassion redefined

Compassion is a virtue that helps us all live a more fulfilled life. Maybe we are afraid to be compassionate because it signifies an openess that makes us vulnerable. Although the literal meaning of the word is co-suffering. There is more to compassion than just that. It is honoring humanity, living with non-judgement, and not being continuously self-centered around ourselves. It is an acceptance that acknowledges that other people too are souls. This acceptance honors the fact that we all have a purpose in this world and allows me to let others continue in their path. I am proud of the compassion that is within me. It helps make me a better person and it strengthens my connection to God and thus, my soul. I'm not afraid nor ashamed to live with compassion. 
Living with conscious compassion makes it easier to understand others. It doesn't mean that I have to like everybody, but it does mean that I can acknowledge and understand their humanity. We were all created equal after all.  But, from the moment that we are born, we begin to be taught to differentiate. It's survival of the fittest in an unconscious way. By making ourselves superior we are protecting ourselves from others. At some point, the compassion we have for others begins to diminish. Yet, as faint as it may get, our souls never forget compassion. 
We don't have to be afraid of being compassionate. It doesn't make us weak. It is just an appreciation for the rest of humanity, nature, and the world we all live in.  All creatures of God have an earthly purpose. Compassion is another  source of love, because it is just accepting other living creatures without judgment. It is loving their place in this world. Living with compassion is in return, really loving ourselves. 

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