Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The power of thoughts

It's simple.  We are what we think. From the moment we are born, we become thinkers. Consciously & unconsciously our minds are always at work. When we sleep, we dream. When we are awake we have several streams of consciousness at work. 
What are our thoughts?  Have we become numb to the sneakiness of negative thoughts or are we actively positive thinkers?  We all have the seeds of negativity floating in the midst of our subconscious. Life is challenging, and it's easy to get caught up in the harshness of every day living. But there is plenty of good in our lives. It's just that the bad outcomes tend to sting a little more.
 No matter who you are. We can all benefit on focusing more on the positive aspects of our lives. There are plenty of wonderful things happening now. Living in conscious gratitude is a state we all need to practice and aspire to stay in.
Once the momentum of positivity catches on in our daily lives, it changes our outlook and allows for growth in possibilities. As possibilities grow, prosperity begins to get a stronger hold in our lives. What have you been grateful for today?  It's never to late to start now. The future is bright!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am thankful to you for sharing this awesome article with this helpful knowledge.Your positive thoughts gave me positive energy.
    Positive Affirmations
