Monday, March 17, 2014

My Luck!

What does luck have to do with life? Very little actually. Luck is a word that has grown its own form of allure, a type of non-accessibility to just anyone or everyone.  It seems like everybody else has more luck than we do, right? We all know people that seem to be very lucky, that everything they touch turns to gold, but is it really? Are we just attaching our own beliefs? In reality, it is just a perception that we have created in our minds. It is a perception that we have to be careful about, because if we start believing that we are not lucky then, that is exactly what we will notice in our own life. It is just a matter of looking at the glass of life: is it half empty or half full? In reality we all have good luck & bad luck, equally. 
Luck is really within us all. There are just times that our success seems smaller than others, but nonetheless it is still there. The people that feel lucky, are just seeing their success in a light of gratitude. Gratitude is a habit that will allow us to see more opportunities and open the door to listen to our own intuition.  Luck has a lot to do with a positive outlook.  Gratitude brings more prosperity. Therefore we are all Lucky. 
By affirming the good in your life through gratitude and constantly taking account of your blessings, your outlook on life will begin to improve. You begin to trust your actions and see more opportunities, some that were possibly there before. As opportunities become more clear, your intuition will point you towards taking advantage of them. Low and behold, just like clovers in the Spring, your luck begins to grow! Lucky you!!

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