Saturday, March 8, 2014

The miracle of everyday life

Miracles come when they are least expected. 
Life is funny, it's full of ups and downs, twists and turns. Just when everything gets gloomy, it shows it self in its truest brightest light. That small sliver of light glistening through as the gray clouds slowly begin to part. The light of hope. To have hope is to be patient and allow God to be in control. 
Given time, everything comes together as it should. The universe has it's own plan, we are asked to be active participants as well as to allow it to just "happen". These are the little miracles of life. Miracles are all around us. Miracles happen every day. We struggle so much to make everything perfect,  but instead we should be just looking out for these miracles and allowing them to be. Just like a flower who shoots forward, in the middle of an early frosty spring not knowing any better, but just being. Sometimes we just have to have the patience, and hope to believe in miracles and allow life to just happen. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post.I am very happy to read. Thanks for providing great information. Positive Affirmations
