Saturday, March 22, 2014

Follow your bliss

In today's world, it gets confusing which path to follow. Do we follow our hearts or do we follow only the goal of financial attainment. When following financial security, it is easy to get caught up in the "get rich quick" scheme of life. Somehow, money is misconstrued as an equivalent to happiness. So intuition in following one's true path gets, diverted by chasing the mighty dollar. It's easy to do. We live in a world of instant gratification. A full bank account seems to make that more easily attainable. 
I personally did this. My goal was to be rich. By doing so I unconsciously suppressed my true hearts' desire. I chose a path that was more compatible with making lots of money. But in the meantime I was lacking something, I focused too much on my financial growth and not enough on my souls' purpose. My bank account began to be depleted, regardless of how much money I made. I began to notice that my spirit was depleted also, fulfillment was not coming from money like my plan had devised. 
It turns out that my perception of wealth was slightly skewed. I now realize that to be fulfilled you have to follow your bliss. I realize that being rich is not being wealthy. I realize that you have to follow and embrace your own innate talents to be truly wealthy. Life is not about just chasing an empty idea of happiness with the illusion of being rich. At least not by ignoring the higher calling of our spirit. We have to choose to nourish our souls by being true to ourselves. That is when you can reach for true wealth. I know that God made me to be more than a self-centered rich person. He gave me an incredible amount of gifts and talents to be used for a higher purpose. This is when my financial security began. A better balance between purpose and finances began to take shape. My spirit feels complete knowing that I am following my bliss. May we all find how to attain our own personal bliss. 

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