Thursday, March 20, 2014

Daily gratitude habit

Practice gratitude every day. Gratitude opens the door to seeing all of the multiple positive aspects in our lives.  You will begin to see and notice more good occasions in your life. Living with gratitude is more challenging than it seems, because it takes no effort to take life for granted. We don't even realize when, but at some point we get caught up with the every day ups and downs of living. And then one day life turns into one big oblivious blur. That's when the little things begin to escape us. The beautiful sunrise, the bird outside your window happily chirping, a clear blue sky, those moments of lifes' little miracles just tend to disappear when we are on survival mode and numb to life. 
Take the time to notice that life is actually good. Beginning a practice of daily gratitude takes effort and thought. Make a commitment to start little by little, first maybe just in the morning, then build it up to at night, and you will see that the more you do it, the easier it gets.  By being consciously grateful daily, and really making it a habit, it becomes easier and we begin to randomly do it throughout the day. It's amazing how with a little bit of work, our perspective changes. This new outlook on life allows us to notice how the little things in life actually make a big difference. The beautiful white clouds, the wonderful red and yellow of a sunset, or the glistening full moon in the dark of night. We begin to appreciate those sporadic small details of life and that is when our everyday living begins to improve. 
There is a wonderful bonus of living with gratitude, good moments begin to pick up momentum.  As they become more abundant, there is a shift that happens.  We begin to feel a balance of harmony in our lives.  When we practice gratitude, it opens our eyes to see how great life is and with this new positive perspective, multiple opportunities begin to be attracted into our lives. Before you know it, you realize that even on a mediocre day,  life is good!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post on Positive Affirmations. I am very happy to read. Thanks for providing great information. Thanks.
    Positive Affirmations
