Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Abundance is one of those concepts that I've never quite understood. I thought it was not for me. In my reality, it had a different meaning. There was something very distant about it. I now realize how silly that was, since the entire universe was made to be abundant. 
I now understand that abundance is not just for a few lucky people, but it is for all of God's creatures. Yes, even for me, it is how everything in our universe was made. That's when my comprehension of abundance began. Since it is an integral part of everything, there are no exclusions. Just look around, it is how nature works, and it is in everything. We live in an abundant world. Abundance is an absolute part of life, and that includes my life too. 
Abundance is part of the inner work of the universe. The love that God breathed on us. He made everything abundant, for us to enjoy, share, and take care of. Abundance is an everyday gift, a present from the universe, and in its infinite knowledge it is shared with us all. 

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