Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Life is a miracle

Life  is a mystery but also a miracle. Sometimes success appears so far away. It seems as far away as a mountain top, it seems impossible to climb a steep rocky mountain, when you're in a valley below looking up. But what would life be if there were not any challenges?  In reality, we have everything that we need within us. We have been given an innate knowledge and marvelous physical abilities which were automatically born within us - all ready to emerge when needed. That formidable mountain is there for us to climb throughout our lives, because it is life's challenges that allow our true potential to be uncovered and put to use. 
So next time that life springs you with unexpected surprises, realize that they are needed for us to become who we were meant to be. The full potential within us has to be tapped in someway, and it is by the wonderful surprises and challenges that life brings that we get to encounter and discover our true selves. 
Take time everyday to appreciate the challenges, and know that we are given just enough to let us stretch so that we can reach our own true greatness. Let's remember that life is a miracle that needs to be treasured moment by moment. Let's take a conscious effort to see the miracles of the big mountains that appear in our path.  Achieving those climbs and overcoming the challenges, no matter how difficult, is what really makes life a success. 

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing and really inspiring!! Thank you for informative & really needed post.Positive Affirmations
