Friday, March 28, 2014

Smile and shine on!

A smile magnifies the good in you and of the world.  Smiles grow and become easier, as gratitude blossoms within ourselves.  It improves our perspective, our outlook on life, and helps us to see the positive in most situations. The person that smiles often, looks relaxed and this positive energy appeals to us all. The perception is given that we have a joyful confidence and a warm demeanor.  Who doesn't like to be around somebody that appears happy and smiling? 
There is an inner beauty that comes through our smile.  It radiates through all of our cells.  It turns out, that smiling along with laughter, is also good for our health. By smiling we are sending our brains the message that good things are happening.  This is the same message that the universe gets. 
Laughter begins with a smile. It is sometimes an unexpected act, that catches us by surprise. It is a gift of the light within us, letting us hear the joy that we all have within our spirit.  Laughter is its own language. It is a universal language that speaks right to from our souls directly to our hearts. It is an acknowledgement of a happy soul. It tells us that we can be open, and for at least a little while, we can trust the humanity in each other. 
Smile and shine on! Use your smile like a shield of inner love and a beacon of light. By using our smiles often, we spread joy not only within our souls, but outwardly to those around us. The universe will reward us for the smiles and laughter by helping us stay young at heart. 

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