Thursday, March 13, 2014

Live Consciously!

Living consciously requires some work. Luckily, it's good and rewarding work. It mainly takes dedication, focus, and perseverance to stay on track. Dedicate yourself to seeking the light of God by taking quiet moments to affirm the good in your life, pray, read motivational books or meditate. It requires perservearance because it is a habit that we must do daily, and it is easy to get distracted by the craziness of everyday life. Focus on finding that time for yourself, no matter what, to find 10 to 15 minutes to fill yourself with the positive of your surroundings. It will be well worth your investment of time. 
Everyday choose to see the positive in life. Oh yes, there is effort required for us to remain positive. To be optimistic about life takes practice, and there will be times that it will be a challenge to not let life's circumstances get you down. But it is a choice that we all have to make, and a habit that we have to work on. Begin every day with compassion, see life with compassion. Compassion for yourself as well as others, after all, we are all human. 
Close your eyes and see yourself being surrounded by light, a light that comes from the universe, and it is filled with joy. This joy turns everything in this world to pure everlasting, non-judgemental love. This joy now permeates every cell of your body and begins to shine through your heart, it now illuminates not only your being but everyone around you. Now smile, and be proud of your efforts, know that you are living a conscious life. 

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