Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Be Persistently Patient

Patience is a virtue that we all must strive for. It is a quest that we must seek all of our lives. It will require a lot of perseverance on our part, it is not easy being patient. We must have an inner strength that is based in faith, love and hope. Patience is a value that demands that we apply it daily in our lives, being positive and calm are a must. But being patient brings many rewards. When we wait for what is best for us, we allow our souls to grow, and we are free to be our true selves. The ultimate gift is that we get to uncover our talents and live the life we deserve. 
When we believe in ourselves, it gives us a lot of patience to allow good things to flourish in our lives. Being patient is honoring our path through life that was already predestined by God. By allowing experiences and being open to the flow of life, it ultimately builds up our resilience. Our innate knowledge and our unique talents are able to grow through the practice of patience. By living a patient life, we give ourselves more time to enjoy life, to see, experience and believe in our own infinite possibilities. 
Patience must be persistently practiced. It is a habit that necessitates daily effort, prayers and much perseverance. But when we diligently and truthfully seek this value in our lives, it will pay-off by allowing us to live a healthier, saner, more fulfilled life. 

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