Friday, March 7, 2014

The gratitude of the heart

I begin each day with a grateful heart. I smile & take a deep breath. 
-Thank your heart for beating. How many times have we woken up in the morning and have taken for granted how this great body that we have is just steadily working for us? Today I am thanking my heart for doing such a good job. I am taking a deep breath and putting a smile on my face and filling my heart with gratitude. Gratitude does the heart good. 
When I am grateful I tend to see the good things in my life and the goodness in other people. My perspective is better, and I am also more resilient. I am more open to the peace and the love that surround me every day. The love that comes from the heart is the shield that I choose to protect me from the realities of life. 
I choose to love every day because love is amazing, love is everlasting, and it is love that makes the world of this girl go around. 

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