Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Art of Being You

Being ourselves is a courageous act that we must pursue daily. There are so many directions that we get pulled in. So much pressure from different sources to be perfect. It is easy to get a little lost in the hecticness of life.  It is simple to just allow ourselves to go in the direction of least resistance. 
There is a purpose in the tumultuous journey of life after all. It shapes and molds us so that we come out to be stronger and improved. The caveat is to keep our true selves from getting lost. To grow, but not to lose our inner spark. And realize that the times that we have gotten lost, those are okay too. Because life gives us plenty of chances to find ourselves again. 
It is important to take the time to reconnect with ourselves. Remember to breathe and gather yourself.  I used to actually have a reminder on my phone that said "take a deep breath". It was just a moment to reconnect, just to take the time to be still and let it be. Then, just smile, smile with your heart and soul, and remember that everything is going to be just fine. It's a matter of making that moment count, and surround yourself with the quiet peace of your breath to remind yourself that yes, you got this!  
Smile with a sence of calmness, breathe with a sense of peace. Remember to be yourself, do your best, and realize that through it all, life is good. 

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