Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Timing of Life

I am open to the timing of life. The fact is, that life brings me what I need, exactly when I need it. Regardless of my attempted manipulation, my life is on God's time, not mine. We were brought up with the belief that if we work hard, then we can control every aspect of life. Our egos lead us to believe that the complete coordination and planning of our lives ensures success. Where working hard is important, and plans are essential to our aspirations, we get caught up in this delusion of total control. It is not for us to command everything in our lives.  It is more realistic to be open to the challenges of life, and just welcome life's surprises.  When we do this, it is easier for us to see different opportunities that arise, it is a form of vulnerability that helps us in the long run. When we go with the flow of life, we get the grace of being more patient. This renewed patience, allows us the time to see that many of the unplanned events in our lives, turn out to be blessings in disguise. 
I welcome blessings, success, and prosperity. With blessings arise new opportunities.  Taking advantage of new opportunities brings success. Prosperity in life comes when we are open to new ventures. Prosperity isn't just gathering riches, it is a life lived well. A life that took advantage of every situation and made the most out of each new endeavor
I am open to experiencing life at its fullest.  I allow myself to live a conscious life. I welcome new opportunities and I trust all possibilities that God sends my way. 

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